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[闲话] 现在的西方teenage都在用哪些网络俚语?

发表于 2014-12-8 16:04:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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网络省略语,一则用起来简单方便,另一方面也让不是一个团体的人弄不清楚具体的意思,有些加密的功能。最常用的例如,lol=laughing out loud。


1. IWSN - I want sex now
2. GNOC - Get naked on camera
3. NIFOC - Naked in front of computer
4. PIR - Parent in room
5 CU46 - See you for sex
6. 53X - Sex
7. 9 - Parent watching
8. 99 - Parent gone
9. 1174' - Party meeting place
10. THOT - That hoe over there
11. CID - Acid (the drug)
12. Broken - Hungover from alcohol
13. 420 - Marijuana
14. POS - Parent over shoulder
15. SUGARPIC - Suggestive or erotic photo
16. KOTL - Kiss on the lips
17. (L)MIRL - Let's meet in real life
18. PRON - Porn
19. TDTM - Talk dirty to me
20. 8 - Oral sex
21. CD9 - Parents around/Code 9
22. IPN - I'm posting naked
23. LH6 - Let's have sex
24. WTTP - Want to trade pictures?
25. DOC - Drug of choice
26. TWD - Texting while driving
27. GYPO - Get your pants off
28. KPC- Keeping parents clueless

29.LMK - let me know
30. WYCM - will you call me?
31. PYFPD - Put your freaking phone down
32. OMG - Oh, My Gosh! (Oh, My God)



GMT-5, 2025-2-22 15:04

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