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[闲话] 100种非玩具的礼物主意让你节日不愁

发表于 2014-11-5 23:32:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yunna1978 于 2014-11-5 23:36 编辑

100 SPECIFIC NON-TOY GIFT IDEAS: need-christmas-gift-idea-little-girl-present-lightbulbs-her-santa-hat-35641092.jpg Season Passes 各种年票

- Zoo 动物园
- Museum 博物馆
- Butterfly Conservatory 蝴蝶园
- Aviary 鸟园
- Aquarium 水族馆
- Amusement Park 游乐园

One-Time Passes 一次性门票

- Movies 电影
- Bowling 保龄球
- Swimming 游泳
- Theatre Performance 戏剧表演
- Go see a sporting event 体育盛事
- Disney On Ice 冰上迪斯尼
- Circus 马戏团
- Ice Skating 滑冰
- Roller Skating
- Mini Golf
- Concert

Experiences for Kids 儿童体验

- Horse & Buggy Ride 骑马
- Train Ride 坐小火车
- Ice Cream Vouchers 冰淇淋票
- Special dinner out 特殊的外出晚餐
- A Trip to the Fire Station去消防站
- A Trip to Chuckie Cheese (buy the tokens ahead of time so you have something to wrap!) 去chuckie cheese店玩
- Coupon book with "time" gifts (ie. an afternoon making cookies with mom)

Older Kids or Grown-Ups 大小孩或者成人

- Hot Air Balloon Ride 乘坐热气球
- Wine Tasting 品酒
- Zip Lining
- Helicopter Ride 坐直升飞机
- Trip to the Spa (Mani/Pedi, Massage, Facial, etc.) Spa,按摩等
- Rock Climbing 攀岩
- Trip to Arcade

A Class or Season of Lessons 季度课程

- Swimming 游泳
- Sports 体育
- Gymnastics 体操
- Dance 舞蹈
- Karate 空手道
- Musical Instrument 乐器
- Pottery Class- or paint your own pottery 陶器课
- Art Class 艺术课
- Craft class (ie. knitting) 手工课,比如编织
- Horseback riding lessons 骑马课

Family Experiences 家庭体验

- A night(s) away at a local hotel (with a pool) 去带泳池的酒店住一晚
- A hotel with an indoor waterpark 带室内水上乐园的酒店
- Camping (depends where you live & how much you love Winter camping ;) 野营(不过取决于你有多喜欢冬季露营)
- Road trip 自驾游
- Give them travel/camping gear needed for the experience you'll be gifting so that they have a physical item to unwrap 露营或者旅行装备

Physical Gifts that aren't Toys 非玩具的礼物

- Books  书
- Games 游戏
- CDs of fun kids music
- Craft kits 手工套装
- Magazine Subscription 订阅杂志
- Monthly Craft Kit Subscription 每月手工组件的订购
- Fun Bath Supplies (colour-changing water, crayons that write on walls, foamy soap, etc.) 乐趣浴缸产品(比如可以变颜色的水,能写字墙上的蜡笔,泡泡皂等)
- A wagon to pull kids in when you go on walks 可以拖着孩子走的拖车
- Stationary 文具
- Special Christmas Tree Ornament 特别的圣诞树装饰
- Wrist watch 腕表
- Piggy bank 小猪储蓄罐
- Memory/Photo Book 相册
- Journal 日记本

Fun "Needs" 好玩的需求

- Kid furniture  儿童家具
- New bedding that they really like 他们真正喜欢的床上用品
- Bedroom décor/Promise of a total room makeover 卧室装饰
- New hat, mitts, etc. 新帽子手套等
- Bike 自行车
- Scooter 滑板车
- Roller skates/blades 轮滑
- Basketball hoop 篮球架
- Trampoline 蹦床
- Swing set (for big ticket items like this, grandparents can pitch in) 秋千组合
- An item they need, but they wanted a more expensive version than you would normally buy (ie. boots/clothes)
- Colourful band aids
- Sled/toboggan/other winter outdoor things 雪橇
- Sleeping bag 睡袋
- Flashlight  手电筒
- Toy box 玩具箱
- Personal set of scriptures 个性化的经文
- Jewelry box 珠宝箱

Learning Tools 学习工具

- Telescope 望远镜
- Magnifying glass 放大镜
- Strong Magnet 吸力很强的磁铁
- Science Kit 科学套装
- Magic Kit 魔术套装
- Cookbook & Apron/Chef Hat 厨艺书/围裙/厨师帽
- Easel 画架
- Chalkboard 黑板
- Gardening tools 园艺工具
- Bug-catching tools (better if you don't live somewhere that's snowy ;) 抓小虫子的工具
- Binoculars 双筒望远镜
- Globe 地球仪

Others 其它

- Educational App they can play on your phone/ipod/tablet or Computer Game 教育app
- Items they need for lessons (costume/instrument/etc.) 课程所需物品
- A new game for a game console 新游戏
- A refill for an easy bake oven or other toy requiring refills
- A pet! (perhaps a "certificate" saying that you will go and pick one out together) 宠物
- Pet Accessories/supplies 宠物配件
- iTunes gift card 礼物卡


发表于 2014-11-8 00:45:15 | 显示全部楼层



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